Saturday, November 21, 2009


The nation had always found Bangladesh Army beside during any national crisis. We spared our every ounce without counting cost to ourselves and earned confidence of the people. Unfortunately at times we also involved ourselves in certain activities which were distastefully rejected by the people. On several occasions the officers of Bangladesh Army involved themselves in political adventurism which is commonly known as Military Coup. Let’s not try to examine the justification of the adventurism initiated by the so called intrepid officers during the past because like many other politico-military issues it will give rise to endless and fruitless debate. It is believed that few of the incidents were staged with self motivation whereas rest were planned by some supra national forces. Leaving aside the justification of the actions, let’s try to examine the outcome or end state of the actions taken by the perpetrators. Restrospecting the events and consequence following picture becomes vivid before us:
Coup of 75. The perpetrators could enjoy their life to the fullest extent almost for 80 days at the cost of rest of their life. For last 35 years none of them, even those who joined out of whim of juvenile age, could settle themselves anywhere in peace. Of course, some of them had to painfully settle themselves in the condemn cell for decades together. The rest are fugitives. Hapless Col Rashid ! If you knew about the impending sufferings of yours and your family, the off late suffering of your daughter and grand daughter as well, I am sure you would not have gone for that adventure. Flamboyant officers Farukh, Huda ! Please convey your feelings to others to make them feel your feelings. How painful the isolated life in condemn cell is ! Some of them could not even enjoy ‘eternal sleep’ under home soil and laid to rest under foreign soil. The fugitives left behind kith and kin, parent and friends behind and could never meet them again. Feel pity for the sons who could not stand beside dying parent and siblings. Enjoyment of few days caused endless punishment and furthermore is awaiting for the day of final judgment.
Nov 75. Brig Khaled Musharaf, although had a good intention of reestablishing chain of command in army, also involved himself in an abortive military coup in early Nov 75. Keeping aside the motivation and justification it is fact that Brig Khaled Musaraf could enjoy his position for just couple of days or possibly hours. So scanty tenure of life, like a drop of water in ocean. Col Taher, the hero of 07 Nov 75, arguably had noble death, left the widow and orphan to the mercy of others. Could he infuse his ideology to the nation. His handful supporters only observe the date solemnly but his dedication has not paid anything to the nation. His perception and under standing was also full of fallacy – Barlin wall is smashed, USSR is disintigrated, China is turning to capitalism and so forth.
Coup of 77. What nation has achieved except few dead bodies? Who counts whether their actions were justified or not ? Widows and orphans received no compensation-who cared for their ordeals ?
Coup of 81. What was the achievement of Gen Manzur, Brig Nawazesh, Brig Mohsin and others ? Zia was eliminated and so were you all. How many but your family members pay tribute ! The ways you followed were rejected, it is immaterial what the motive behind was.
Gen Ershad in 82. Enjoyed success for time being but earned the defame. Enjoyed the highest tenure as President yet hated so much many. Always under the threat of going behind the bar at any moment even at the twilight hours of life.
Gen Nasim in 96. Whether action was right or wrong went under oblivion within a day. Alas ! No one knows where the mighty CAS is ! If you did not like something you better had resigned that would have been nobel.
End Note. As has been observed in the history the people and only the people can change the system. People led by people’s leader may go for adventure, but a young military officer once take the venture brings only endless suffering for himself, his family and the nation itself. Unfortunately he only realises at the time when his suffering starts. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
Lesson learnt. Think simple think straight like true soldier, remain committed with your profession. Let the people be concerned about politics. You are not for it as it is too complicated and possibly dirty a business to be handled by the simple hearted, honest and disciplined guys like the Army officers.


None fosters any doubt about the judgment and sagacity of the young officers of BD Army yet there are genuine reason to be little apprehensive that there is a slim chance that few vested corner might be able to sensitize you exploiting your touchy sentiments. They are trying to make young officers emotionally entangled with the anachronism such as intentional delay in trial of BDR carnage. We can not abruptly change the aged-old judiciary procedure in vague. Despite all out effort trial procedure of the Father of the Nation could not be expedited. Should anyone believe that the govt in power desires it to be lingered ? No, never. Delay is due to our long old judiciary system. Likewise the trial procedure of BDR carnage also needs time as we do not want to “burry the judgment by making it hurry”. If the evidences can not be made strong and prosecution is not well-knitted the barbarians of Pilkhana might be able to sneak out. Little but reasonable procrastination (what few people call) would be better than leaving chance for the barbarians to sneak though the gaps of law.