Thursday, September 17, 2009


Propaganda effort with definite goal has been used since the prehistoric age but it paid substantial dividend prior to the World War -2. Goebles, the Information minister of Adolph Hitler gave a new dimension in propaganda effort by ensure repeated falsification of information that the Nazis wanted to home to fulfill their evil design. Since then the propaganda effort had been exploited in every ways by all interested groups and it turned to be the most effective way of influencing the public opinion be it in the right way or otherwise. But propaganda effort with blatant lie has become much less effective during the recent time. This is just because of the boom in the IT sector and enormous coverage of print and electronic media. Disinformation and misinformation can not go unchallenged in the contemporary world.

Recently certain vested corners are trying to destabilize the existing peace and tranquility of the country that could be achieved after the last historic election and swearing of the new democratic government. No sooner the government shouldered the mammoth task of establishing order in the society which was trodden by the BNP-Jamat allies and followed by the so call Caretaker Illegal Government for last seven years the heart-rending and barbarian episode in BDR was staged to serve the selfish political interest of the defeated goons. As the time is passing by the identity of the criminals involved in the savage atrocity is becoming clear. At the wake of such situation every effort are being taken by them to shift the blame to the political party in power. It is no wander that such processes are being planned and executed by the reactionaries. Multi-dimensional approach has been chosen by a forum which possibly is manned by the dissident members of various organizations. The language, approach, way of drawing inference, treacherous decoys and so forth indicate that the forum is an well organized body formed by the members of armed forces, law enforcing agencies, lawyers, political figures and surely under the auspicious of a foreign power.

Question comes as to why such requirement has been felt by the forum to send such a voluminous article in the blog site. One probability could be that they themselves are directly or indirectly involved in the BDR incident and need to shift blame on others. Alternatively they are trying to capitalize the situation through the heinous process of exploiting the incident against the popular democratic government. A careful study of the floated propaganda material makes it vivid that the stories are concocted but well-planned but lacks any substantiation whatsoever. Following rationales are sufficient to belie the concocted stories enumerated in the article.

v The originator informed that the write up is not for the member /supporters /collaborators of BNP /AL /Jamat or any other political party. If so whom the paper is written for! To my understanding there is hardly anyone in the country who is not inclined to any political party if he is not supporter at least. Is it written for any foreign national-why! Or else it aims to draw attention of illegal political parties like ‘Shorbohara’ etc.

v Indian TV channel NDTV could screen the death information of DG BDR because as soon as it heard the rumour it screened the rumour as it does not have any responsibility being a foreign channel. But our own TV channel could not be so irresponsible to let the people inform such a news not being sure. If you are too suspicious on everything then you may well doubt that all the TV channels of Bangladesh were also part of the intrigue.

v The vivid pen pictures of killing of certain officers mentioning the time and scenario indicate that the writer was personally present in the place of occurrence and supervised the killing! Otherwise how could he narrate the exact picture of assassination of Col Abtab, Col Elahi, Maj Mosaddeq and others alongwith mentioning the exact time.

v It is known that the DG BDR called PM over cell phone and requested help after 0930. In turn PM asked CAS to send support for rescue and at the same time she mobilized Air force also. Military element in Dhaka was not surely ready to face such a situation as it was a bolt from the blue. They had to organize themselves, get the arms and ammunition issued (which is always counted for), briefed, grouped and then move. It was not a battle situation that ammunition in-charge, weapon in-charge, vehicle drivers were just ready to move-may be many of them were undergoing training, some of the were in CMH and went out for some official purpose as happens day to day. A military commander never moves out for operation without comprehending situation, devising plan, taking adequate safety measures and briefing his men. It takes little time.

v DG BDR talked to PM and it is known to all and she reacted as deemed necessary. But the new information we got in this paper is that DG BDR also talked to DG DGFI which is a blatant lie and can easily be confirmed from the call list. The information must be made home that National Monitoring Cell that the article has referred about is under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs and as such it neither reports to DGFI nor DGFI controls its functioning. As per rules of business, DGFI is not concerned about BDR which is under Ministry of Home Affairs. However, it processes information those are provided by the intelligence organization of BDR and other para-military elements. We know that the intelligence element of BDR itself was not very informed about the incident at least about the graveness of it and so was not DGFI. The sequence of events is written in a way that it seems the writers were personally present in the Monitoring Cell during that time!

v How the writers came to know that nothing was asked to the killer about the fate of the offers during the negotiation period in PM’s office! Was he present or he had link with the BDR members who kept them always informed about the latest of negotiation?

v It was said that the CAS was informed from the National Monitoring Centre about the killing-but the writers do not know that the Monitoring centre does not have any responsibility to inform CAS nor can he ask them to give information. And in practice they never inform CAS.

v Another concocted part was about the alleged proposal by MP Nanok to Brigadier Mamun about handing over of dead bodies to the deceased’s relation keeping aside the media. The media had been there all through and covered every detail. Indeed the media had been giving live coverage of the event and few TV channels were hankering to find out anything which can be exploited to blame the government. But nothing of that kind which has been alleged about could be shown by those hostile TV channels and nothing was published in the print media on the following day. During the time there were many other responsible officers present and no specific person was responsible for the whole affair so as to give and take decision what to be done.

v It is difficult to speculate whether the decision of military operation in Pilkhana could be correct or not. It could have given very good benefit if the rebels had surrendered being panicked without resistance. But can we really ignore or undermine the ferocity of BDR who could brutally kill so many officers. They were so desperate and irrational then that they lost their basic sense. On being attacked by army or smelling symptom of attack they could have taken retaliatory action on the hostage family members of the officers. Can you imagine the consequence of it-the atrocity could increase manifold and everybody would have blamed government for taking such an immature and dangerous decision.

v Information of bulk posting out of DGFI is another cock and bull story. DGFI is a huge organization and posting is a regular phenomenon after completion of a particular tenure and that is what is happening. It is so immature a comment that the DG DGFI asked officers of his organization to shape the inquiry to a particular design! If the DG really needs to feel the requirement of it he would have told it to only few very close officers. And why the DG of DGFI needed to brief his officers once they had no involvement whatsoever in the inquiry.

v Nobody lost job in army for having any opinion against the government’s action rather for showing share insolence to PM and CAS in Senakunjo only handful number of officers were dismissed. In army there can not be any compromise with discipline and the demeanors of those officers in Senakunjo were extreme breech of discipline. The agitators, for last six months or so, are spreading rumour that job of hundred of officers are going to be terminated soon-but it has not come true and rumours remain rumours.

v So called Plan A and Plan B have been given in the paper. It seems that the authors were given the copy of the plan or they were part of the planning procedure. There is no single document or item which could be shown as proof to substantiate the poorly written big story. Such king of fiction can well be written by many to shift the blame to anyone. I bet I can employ fiction writer on payment to make even more thrilling but apparently credible story to blame anyone for masterminding the incident.

In fact I neither have patience nor intension of replying such a heinous propaganda. The team of dozens of various professionals has written such a poorly fabricated story. I alone without any brainstorming just applying my common sense have given this reply for the few readers whom I suspect might be carried away with the fiction. I advise that do not believe as you hear and read rather believe what you see and what you feel with your judgment. And most of the people are sensible, only the nonsense think in nonsensical way believe that all others will dance with their tune.